Small Tournament License

Reserved for non-commercial organisers (e.g. players and community groups).
Strict limitations on tournament prize pool, format, and length.
Strict limitations on sponsors and brand activations.
No use of Riot Games intellectual property for marketing beyond the creative kit provided by Riot.
License granted provided you are compliant with these guidelines.

Medium Tournament License

Available to commercial organisers.
Moderate limitations on tournament prize pool, format, and length.
Moderate limitations on sponsorships and commercialisation
Dates must not clash with major Riot events.
Use of Riot Games intellectual Property for marketing purposes may be granted with express permission from Riot.
Applications generally processed within 14 days.

Major Tournament License

Available to commercial organisers.
No limitations on tournament prize pool, format, and length.
No limitations on sponsorships and commercialisation.
Dates must not clash with major Riot events.
Use of Riot Intellectual property for marketing purposes may be granted with express permission from Riot.
Applications may take considerable time to process and are only granted under exceptional circumstances.

Academic Tournament License

Available to commercial organisers.
Moderate limitations on tournament prize pool, format, and length appropriate to scholastic competition.
Moderate limitations on sponsorships and commercialisation.
Dates must not clash with major Riot events.
Use of Riot intellectual property for marketing purposes may be granted with express permission from Riot.
Applications generally processed within 14 days.

Do I need a license to run a tournament?
Yes, you must apply for and receive a license for your competition. By doing this, we want to make sure the experience is good for our players and that we maximize chances of success for each tournament by avoiding too many overlaps. However, licenses for small competitions may be automatically approved.
Is there a maximum duration for competitions?
Yes, the maximum duration varies by game and license level. Please consult the guidelines carefully.
Is there a prize limit for competitions?
Yes, the maximum prize you may award varies by game and license level. Please consult the guidelines carefully.
Can I have sponsors during my tournaments?
Yes but you need to follow the guidelines for each of the games regarding number of sponsors, maximum contribution, etc. Please keep in mind that your sponsors are sponsors of your tournaments, not of our games; Thus they can’t use any of our game elements (logos, champions, agents, etc.) in their communications on their owned channels. We also have a prohibited sponsor and advertiser List so you need to ensure your sponsors are not part of this list.
Can I organize pan-European tournaments?
No, we are only granting licenses to competitions that target single countries or countries within one of Riot's six European sub-regions. Please check the guidelines to see which countries fall into each sub-region.
The dates of my competition clash with a major Riot Games Esports competition, am I still able to apply for a license?
No, we are not able to grant licenses to competitions that clash with major Riot Games esports competitions. You will be notified during the application process.
Can I apply for one license to cover multiple Riot Games titles (e.g VALORANT & League of Legends?)
No, you must apply for a license for each game as guidelines vary from game to game and depending on the planning of our events, you might be granted a license for one game and not for the other.
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